Apple has unveiled its second generation of headphones. The developers promised that they took into account the shortcomings of the previous versions. In this article, we take a closer look at what has changed in AirPods Pro 2, how they are better than previous models and how much they will cost.
Apple rarely drastically changes the appearance of gadgets. Visually, it is difficult to distinguish the first generation of headphones from the second. The devices have retained the same design. The sensors and microphones have been moved slightly. The only distinguishing feature from the previous version is the miniature grille.
The headphones have a classic teardrop shape. The case is made of glossy plastic, traditional for Apple products. The device is held in the ear by a shell protrusion. The right and left elements are marked with the letters P and L.
The model has a short stem, which has become touch-sensitive. The pad has been specially recessed into the plastic for user comfort. To adjust the volume, you do not need to turn to Siri. A swipe on the surface is enough. AirPods Pro 2 comes with an extra pair of ear cushions in the smallest size.
The familiar case was improved by changing the traditional sharp edges with rounded ones. The case is made of white plastic. On the front panel is placed indicator, below – the grid and connector for the lanyard (an accessory is not included). A speaker has been added to the device which will emit sounds when the device is missing and when placed on charge.
The Cupertinians have completely redesigned the device’s sound drivers. AirPods Pro 2 managed to get the most dynamic and clear sound possible. The headphones reproduce even more bass and treble.
The user can customise the profile using the proprietary sensor (True Depth). A smartphone camera will measure the shape of the head and ears, and a built-in algorithm selects the appropriate settings. The equalizer will create a quality sound to suit the wearer’s needs.
AirPods Pro 2 has improved noise cancellation. Adaptive Transparency mode mutes harsh sounds like a jackhammer or siren. The headphones can reduce ambient noise from an unhealthy 90dB to a neutral 55-60dB.
The device supports gesture-based control of the gadget. To turn the volume up or down, all you have to do is flick the touch sensor in the foot pedal. Headphones can be kept on during calls. In Transparency mode, the track stops and starts when the conversation ends.
AirPods Pro 2 has extended battery life. With noise cancellation activated, the device will last for 6 hours, in standard mode – up to 7. With the case, the gadget will last up to 30 hours. The indicator is 270 minutes higher than the competition, 180 minutes higher than in the first version of the headphones.
The cost of the new model AirPods Pro in the U.S. is $249. For the same money in online shops sell outdated gadgets. Perhaps after the presentation and the start of sales prices for the headphones of the first modification will go down.
AirPods Pro 2 is a great device that will appeal to fans of “apple” products. The new version redesigned the previous flaws, so the model has a quality noise cancellation and clear, dynamic sound. The battery life has been increased by 2 hours. The controls are now touch-sensitive, so you don’t have to tug your smartphone to change the volume.
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